January 17, 2023 Minutes
Meeting minutes from January 17, 2023 6:30 PM
The Board Meeting was held on Tuesday, January 17, 2023, at the office of Lee Jennings. Paul
Shumpert called the meeting to order at 6:35 p.m. Cindy Shumpert opened the meeting with
prayer. Present were Paul and Cindy Shumpert, Jennifer and David Kearns, Lee Jennings,
George Faile, Sylvia Washington, and Martha Cates. Laurie Douglas joined by telephone.
The financial report was given by Paul. For the year we spent $146,051.93. Donations totaled
$107,141.08, leaving us with a balance of $765,983. This is down, primarily because of market
losses. On a positive, the guest house has a balance of $240, after starting the year in the
negative. Volunteer volume had rebounded to near pre Covid levels.
Paul and Cindy are leaving next week for Ghana, and their son, Charles, who is a contractor is
going with them. They will be checking on different needs, including the TB village whose
houses are in bad repair. They are taking parts to fix 2 autoclaves as well as a variety of surgical
supplies. They will also research buying a dental chair in Ghana, which we approved. They will
be meeting with Dr. Isabella Baba-Amese about several issues. The board also approved paying
in country expenses for Charles.
Dr. Jim Howard from Texas is getting together a container to ship to BMC and is sending several
stretchers, which are badly needed. We agreed to possibly meet some of this expense and will
contact the board if our needed commitment is over $5000.
The microscope donated by Samaritan’s Purse in 2020 is still functioning well.
The rules about the scholarship we offer to volunteers have changed. We now pay for the time
in Nalerigu, the in-country flight, and transportation to and from Tamale.
There was discussion about adding a new board member
Francis has sent stories about people that have been helped through the Charity Fund. They
are posted on the website. Also, George sent a film he made with his father, George Faile II,
breaking ground for the hospital in 1957. This has been posted on the BMC website.