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January 10, 2022 Minutes

Meeting minutes from January 10, 2022 6:30 PM

The meeting was called to order at 6:30 PM by Paul Shumpert and opened with prayer by Paul
Shumpert. Present were George Faile, David Kearns, Martha Cates, Lee Jennings, Laurie
Douglas, and Paul and Cindy Shumpert.


Cindy Shumpert and George Faile each made trips to Baptist Medical Centre in the past 3
months and reported on the situation at the hospital leading to much of the discussion below.
George showed pictures of the new neonatal ICU and discussed the new inpatient electronic
medical record system and some of the challenges it poses especially with the intermittent
power supply.


The main operating room needs a new anesthesia machine as the current unit is old and is not
functioning properly despite past repairs. James, the primary nurse anesthetist, has
recommended a new unit that can be purchased in Ghana for about $25,000. The board
approved this purchase especially considering the urgency of this need.


House 7 is undergoing septic system repairs and will need new flooring in the bedrooms and
bathroom. House 8 needs new bathroom fixtures.


The current x-ray unit is currently functioning but frequently needs fuse replacements and
other repairs we think primarily due to the fluctuating power situation. Even the voltage
regulator / surge protector used solely for this x-ray unit is not completely preventing
problems. Hence there was discussion about a 2 nd unit, specifically one made by Batt-A-Ray,
that is battery powered and much more insulated from power spikes. This unit would also
actually be portable. Total cost for a full package would be about $32,000. There are still
questions about printing images, need to transport part of the unit back to the U.S. for repairs
and potential transportation via airline travel. A future decision on purchase will await answers
to questions and further assessment as to need.


The nurse providing dental care at BMC needs new equipment, with age estimates of current
equipment being in the range of 50 years old.

The technician repairing medical equipment at BMC requests additional training. We will
research options for him.


Dr. Anastasia Furtak has requested support for a 5-month work assignment at BMC. The board
approved providing her with $2000 per month as we have done in the past.


Dr. Isabella Baba Amese thanks the Faile Foundation for the Butterfly ultrasound we purchased
for her last August. She reports this has significantly enhanced her ability to care for patients.

Many of the housing units at the TB village need repairs, especially windows and doors. It
would also be beneficial for each unit to have at least 1 light fixture. We will coordinate with
BMC administration as to how to best accomplish this.


Mr. Addai, BMC administrator, was able to purchase a staff bus without needing our direct


Cindy, through discussions with the BMC pharmacist, is trying to find a means of compounding
liquid medications for infants at BMC that are cared for through the Charity Fund. Many of
these patient trips to Kumasi are solely for these medications and providing this at BMC would
be more efficient.


The meeting was adjourned at 7:30 PM.


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