November 9, 2020 Minutes
Meeting minutes from November 9, 2020 6:30 PM
Members present: Paul Shumpert, Cindy Shumpert, Lee Jennings, Laurie Douglas, Martha Cates, Dr. Sylvia Washington, and Peter Faile
Guest: Dr. Anastasia Furtak, MD
Meeting was opened with prayer by Dr. Paul Shumpert. .
Anastasia Furtak from the Ukraine gave us a report about serving as a surgeon at BMC for the past 18 months. The Faile Foundation financially supported Dr. Furtak for 21 months paying her $2000 per month. Dr. Furtak is a very gifted surgeon and we are grateful that she chose to serve the patients at the BMC. Dr. Furtak emphasized that the support of the Faile Foundation improves BMC’s function and is critical to its future.
Dr. Heidi Haun and Dr. Isabella Baba currently serve as the only full time physicians at BMC. Dr. Baba and some of the short-term Ghanaian doctors receive modest financial support from the Faile Foundation.
Recent expenses for the Foundation have included repair of the 2 generators that provide backup electricity for the hospital. One generator is now fully operational and the other is nearly functional with final repairs pending. Currently the foundation is losing money on the guest house due to the Covid crisis preventing volunteers from serving since mid March. Guest house employees are being used to roll bandages and do other jobs in the interim.
Board member list and other website updates will be done by the end of the year.
A new microscope has been provided through Samaritan’s Purse and will be shipped to BMC soon.
A new anesthesia machine, suction machine, and cautery are needed in the operating theaters.
There being no further business, the meeting meeting was adjourned.
Laurie Brook Douglas