February 4, 2019 Minutes
February 4, 2019 Minutes
Members present: Paul Shumpert, Cindy Shumpert, Lee Jennings, Laurie Douglas, Martha Cates, David Kearns, Sylvia Washington, George Faile, and Jarratt Bryan
Meeting was opened with prayer by Cindy Shumpert. .
Expenses for the Faile Foundation in 2018 were over $300,000. About half of this was for new equipment purchases including a new x-ray and ultrasound unit, neonatal incubator, industrial washer, oxygen concentrator, and several other smaller items. Other large expenses included support for Dr. Cahill, student volunteers, and BMC quarterly support.
An incubator and anesthesia machine need repair work to become functional. We plan to cover this expense and in 2019 probably purchase another nebulizer, oxygen concentrator, and pediatric CPAP machine which will cost approximately $10,000. Other purchases will be dependent on the results of upcoming equipment repair.
The board voted to approve a $13,000 -1-year maintenance agreement on the new x-ray machine purchased last year.
Paul & Cindy met with the Medical Services Council which serves as oversight for BMC under the Ghana Baptist Convention. Items discussed included the turnover rate of Ghanaian physicians which have dropped from 5 to now 3, with 2 of those possibly leaving within the next year. Renovation of house 7 was discussed as well as a reporting mechanism of our equipment purchases for BMC. It was reported that 90% of BMC’s income is through the National Health Insurance Plan. Currently, this plan is about one year behind in payments creating chronic financial stress for BMC.
We are supporting Dr. Anastasia Furtak, a surgeon from the Ukraine. She is working with Dr. Heidi Haun on a trial basis with the hope that she will be able to serve as BMC’s surgeon when the Haun’s begin their upcoming leave. The Faile Foundation is planning to financially support Dr. Furtak for at least 3 months and up to 18 months paying her $2000 per month.
In January, demolition work on House 7 was done and an estimate of needed repairs completed. A report on this house will be given to Medical Services Council. They also want to do their own evaluation of this house. Further planning will be done after all evaluations are complete.
The Faile Foundation is currently giving BMC $2000 per month for fuel for the hospital generator and public health vehicles, plus food for the nutrition center. Due to improvements in the national electric service, usage of the hospital generator has decreased significantly. This fact combined with the anticipated near-term equipment and supply needs of the hospital have changed our donation priorities. We cannot meet all these needs in a sustainable way. Thus, the board decided to continue providing $700 per month for the nutrition center but eliminate the funds for fuel. This improves our ability to fund other higher priority needs.
Joel Dickens, an OB/GYN who served at BMC for total of 3 years, would like us to consider supporting a Ghanaian doctor who has done medical school & now residency training in China. We will check to see if there has been any communication between this doctor & BMC regarding a possible future contract.
We continue to receive good reports on Frances Ackmon especially in regards to community relations and evangelical outreach.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.
Laurie Brook Douglas