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September 11, 2018 Minutes

Members present: Paul Shumpert, Cindy Shumpert, Lee Jennings, Laurie Douglas, Martha Cates, Dr. Dewey and Bobbie Dunn, Francis Ackom, Jarratt Bryan, and Doug Parkin by speaker phone.


The meeting was opened with prayer.      


At the last meeting on January 22 the foundation was looking at buying many pieces of equipment requested by the hospital administration. These items included but were not limited to a Phillips portable digital X-ray unit, industrial washing machine, and baby incubator.  These items were bought in Ghana partly due to voltage requirements and past electrical problems with equipment purchased in the US. It was reported that all items purchased are working well and over 500 X-rays have been taken with the new x-ray machine.


House 8 has been renovated and is in use.


Volunteers have been better about paying their bills. 


The Charity Fund occasionally needs to use the new BMC ambulance.  The fund is being charged an amount greater than what is needed to pay for fuel and the driver.  Considering the $6000 we donate quarterly to BMC, we will request a reduction in the charge for ambulance use. There is a possibility we are being charged for fuel for the ambulance that was purchased with our donation, i.e. we are paying double for this fuel.  This issue will be brought up to the Medical Services Council.


The Leona Helmsley fund was received by the hospital and has been primarily used for new buildings.  BMC continues to have pressing needs for many standard supply items. Such items include rolled bandages which we have been sending piecemeal with volunteers.  We are soon to send a pallet of four 55-gallon barrel containers of rolled bandages.  First Baptist Church of Rome is covering the cost of shipping.


Refurbishing the old generator was discussed.  Since the national electricity service has been more reliable, there is less need for the generator and we decided to put this issue on hold.


House 7 was discussed.  After receiving permission from the GBC we may send someone with construction expertise to assess the best course in rebuilding this house.


Doug Parkin talked to the foundation about considering helping Asani Nathan, aka Kwese, with tuition costs for medical school.  After discussion, it was decided to revisit this issue if Asani is accepted into medical school and successfully completes the 1st semester.


GFF paid the cost for the last container shipment to BMC about 1 1/2 years ago for over $10,000.  Jim Howard is in the process of collecting more items for a shipment soon and we may pay for a portion of this shipment.


It was reported that the Charity Fund has served 110 patients since 2015.


It was decided that the foundation will support Anastasia Furtak, a Ukrainian surgeon, for a 3 month volunteer stay at BMC.   If deemed satisfactory, she may serve again in 2019 while the Haun’s are on a 1-year break.


There being no further business, Frances Ackom closed the meeting in prayer and the meeting was adjourned.


Laurie Brook Douglas


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