August 29, 2016 Minutes
The board of the GFF met at 6:30 p.m. on Monday, August 29, 2016, at the office of Lee Jennings. Present were Dr. Sylvia Washington, Dr. David Kearns, Drs. Cindy and Paul Shumpert, Dr. George Faile, Lee Jennings, Jarratt Bryan, Martha Cates, and Laurie Douglas. Cindy opened the meeting with prayer.
Tim Cahill is back at BMC and may stay a while. Heidi Hahn is still working. There are now 5 Ghanaian doctors working; Jim Howard reports that they are doing well. It was decided to send $2000 a month to provide a supplement to the government wages paid to them. Cindy will ask Dr. Victoria to make sure the funds are distributed equally. We still need more details of the accounting for the funds given to BMC by the Foundation.
Francis Ackom, Volunteer Coordinator at BMC, bought a truck for transporting volunteers and for use for the charity cases. He sold the old van.
In discussions about housing, Francis is suggesting that we perhaps upgrade House 6 for volunteers. The number of volunteers is decreasing, so there is not as much need for housing. Houses 7 & 8, which had been scheduled for repairs, are in such bad shape that they may have to be torn down and a new facility built. David suggested that we match funds, with BMC providing an equal amount. Francis can handle the money. Unfortunately, some items need to be shipped in to Ghana. Locally available materials are not always made up to standards. This increases the cost.
Jim Howard, an ER doctor who goes to Ghana once or twice a year, wants to send another container. He is asking that we pay for sending it. We will need a cost estimate for that. He says that bandages are needed. The board thought that there were enough there for another year or two, but we will ask churches to make up some more.
William Casey, from Global Health Administration Partners, sent Rev. Ernest a letter, but has not had a response from him. The proposed trip to Cameroon to learn from a system set up by GHAP is on hold.
A boarding high school in Nalerigu wants help in setting up an infirmary. In the past the hospital has been involved to some extent. It was decided that it might be a good gesture to the community to help with equipment, but it should not be an ongoing expense.
Francis suggested that the charity work could be extended to other hospitals. This can be investigated.
Cindy and Paul will attend the Global Missions Conference. Among other interests there, they will try to learn more about a clinic, Changing Lives Together, that has been started by a Ghanaian who now lives in the U.S.
The electrical situation in the new maternity wing has not been resolved yet. The wiring is not working, so any electrical items or lights do not work. If Brad Prater, who has been before, can go to work on wiring, the Foundation will pay his way.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.