February 15, 2016 Minutes
The GFF Board met at the office of Lee Jennings at 7:00 p.m. Paul Shumpert opened with prayer. Attending were Paul and Cindy Shumpert, George Faile, Lee Jennings, Laurie Douglas, David Kearnes, Sylvia Washington, and Martha Cates.
Paul reported on the Foundation finances. This includes the Charity Fund. We have been asked to contribute extra money to the Ghanaian doctors on staff. The government pays their salaries, but they have no way to supplement income in the area of BMC, as doctors in more populated places do. It was decided to send $2000 per month to the hospital account, to be divided among the current three doctors. We will ask Dr.Kwofie (chairman of the Medical Services Council) for a report on how they will decide amounts.
Dr. Tim Cahill and his family will be finishing their 2-year commitment next month. They would like to take 2 months off, but wish to return to BMC from July until the end of 2016. It will cost us about $20,000 to $25,000 to support them for that time period. It was decided that this is a good thing for us to do. Paul will check with Dr. Kwofie to make sure it will be agreeable with the MSC. We have been sending $350 per month for about 8 months to Dr. Van Dinegan. He will be leaving in June.
William Casey’s report from GHAP was discussed. At this point the Ghanaians (GBC, MSC, and Mr. Addai the hospital administrator) need to accept the report, give feedback, and devise a method to decide on prioritizing the suggestions. Dr. Kwofie did mention to Paul their interest in the proposed trip to Cameroon to study the Cameroon Baptist Hospitals. Paul will email Dr. Kwofie, Rev. Ernest (with the GBC) and Mr. Addai to ask that they address these concerns. Also, we have not received a bill for the expenses of Mr. Casey’s trip to Ghana last fall. We had agreed to pay these expenses.
Francis Ackom, the volunteer coordinator, has been doing a very good job. He also handles the charity expenses and arrangements, license renewals, and purchase of domestic plane tickets for volunteer personnel. His wife is teaching, and together they are involved in the Second Baptist Church and in the community. He suggested pay raises for the staff of the guest houses. We approved $100.00 per month to be split among the 4 staff people. He wants to sell the Toyota van and buy a 4-wheel drive truck, which would be better on the rough roads. Paul will tell him to get some prices, and we will decide at that point. It was decided to give Francis a raise.
The hospital sits on property that is 1 square mile, much more space than is used at this point. The GBC now owns the property. Dr. Kwofie is interested in building a fence around it to keep people from using the land for crops, and wants the GFF to help fund it. We will need more information before we can agree to this.
The water pump needs to be replaced. David Sanders, from Rome, is having one made here. It will have to be carried in as extra baggage, which means it cannot weigh more than 70 lbs. We do not have any containers being shipped in the near future. There is need for rewiring of the new maternity area. It is unusable now because of incorrect wiring.
Paul will get information to Jarratt Bryan for the next newsletter to be published soon.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.