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October 23, 2012 Minutes

The Board met on October 23, 2012, at the office of Lee Jennings. Present were Drs. Paul and Cindy Shumpert, Dr. Willie Ree Howell, Dr. George Faile, Dr. Dewey Dunn, Bobbie Dunn, Laurie Douglas, Dr. David Kearnes, Lee Jennings, and Martha Cates. Cindy opened the meeting with prayer.


Paul gave a report on the financials for 2012 so far. There is a balance on hand now of about $240,00.00. Edward Addai, hospital administrator is requesting $20,000 for software and for an incinerator. The hospital is having trouble with the internet, but the National Health Institute should provide any satellite, etc., needed. We have asked for receipts from Edward, but have received them only once.


The Dickens family left because the visas for the children were expiring. He will go back in November for a period. The new surgeon, Lisa Mohrman, has started. We will work on getting as much surgical help as possible. Lynn Coppola, who is an OB-GYN, is going next May and staying for 2-5 years. Her husband hopes to work on a Bible Institute in Nalerigu. The Hewitts are there for now, and the Hauns are still planning to go there with the IMB in 2014. Michael and Julie Coram are volunteer coordinators; they have been there since February. They sold their house in order to go, and their home church is helping support them. The Ghanaian doctor Emmanuel Bidzakin is a good and caring doctor. He is family practice but is trained in simple surgeries, which is a help. There is some question about how long he will stay. We will consider offering a bonus if he agrees to stay longer.

Peter Faile has written a grant for $100,000 from Georgia Baptist Health Foundation. Part of the money would be for NRU and part for supporting Ghanaian doctors to come to the hospital to work. The money would be sent through the local association of George’s church.


There will be new volunteer logistics coordinators at the Accra guesthouse for the next 2 years. Pick up at the Accra airport has been arranged. Also, the guest house workers will continue to make in-country airplane reservations which will be paid for at the airport when picked up.


We lost our warehouse space since the building was sold. Everything has to be out by the end of the year. We need a space that has a forklift and container truck loading dock. We will look for a place that is near or in Cartersville.


It was agreed that the incinerator would be important and is needed. We need more details from Edward about the cost. We also need a solution to the problem of oxygen supply. Peter Faile suggested that we should look at improving our website. The yearly fee for having a website is $250. We asked if Peter can get us some suggestions for the new site. 


There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.

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