September 10, 2011 Minutes
The Board met at 4: 00 p.m. at the home of Dr. Willie Ree Howell. Present were Drs. Howell, Cindy and Paul Shumpert, David Kearns, George Faile, Dewey Dunn, and Bobbie Dunn and Martha Cates. Dewey opened the meeting with prayer.
Paul gave a brief report on finances. There is a balance of about $270,000, which is down from about $325,000 last year. $68,000 has been received and about $140,000 spent this year. $55,000 of the amount spent was on the new vehicle for public health and the ultrasound. Support of doctors is about $5000/month. We have sent 12 students on full support and 2 on half support.
Updates on personnel: Rich Ambler (FP) finished his year with BMC as of July 2011. Volunteer coordinators Greg and Wendy Nyhus will leave about October 1, 2011. Dr. Etuh (surgeon) was released as of August 2011. Glenn Kling, engineer, was a huge help refurbishing equipment in January. He is still helping through correspondence. It would probably be good to have him go yearly. Isabella, whom we have supported, is in medical school and volunteers at BMC on her school vacations. The medical student in the Ukraine did not return to school; he is still in Ghana. $3500 was sent and has not been returned, either by the Ukrainian med school or the student.
The Toyota vehicle should be in port on September 11. Jimmy and Solomon are already working on customs clearance. The cost is $39,747.34 so far. It will be licensed to BMC and used only for public health.
Cindy has discussed another surgeon for BMC with Dr. Bruce Steffes of PAACS. It seems we have to provide our own surgical candidate. Earl Hewitt is working on this.
The Sonosite US is in place and is a huge time saver in OPD and on the wards.
$700 per month for the Nutrition Center has been sent for the past 10 months. About $12,000 has been donated specifically for this need.
Cindy brought up several requests from Edward (the Hospital Administrator.) He wants (1) $10,000 for nursing housing, (2) a computer for the pharmacy (Cindy has tried to talk to the pharmacist about this, but hasn’t heard back), (3) Fuel for the public health vehicle – about $608/month, (4) fuel for the generator – about $7000 for the last half of the year, (5) flat screen TV and DVD, and (6) $4000 to renovate House 13 for the Ghanaian doctor-couple who are expected soon. He also mentioned funding for a nephew at a private school who wants to be a P.A.
We have had piecemeal and incomplete documentation of finances for BMC in the past. The Medical Services Council (which is the board for BMC) has had similar past & ongoing issues. After much discussion it was decided that we will not send any money for the extra requests until we have received a proper accounting of all funds.
Under new business, Dr. Keenan Wilson (FP/ER) is at BMC July – December 2011. He is receiving the stipend of $1500 that Rich Ambler had been receiving. Dr. Joel Dickens (OB/GYN) and family are back in Nalerigu. We have been supporting them with $1200/month. The family had extra expense getting their container and vehicle into Ghana. The motion to increase the stipend to $1500 was made by Cindy, seconded by Willie Ree, and was passed.
The Ghanaian doctors expected soon, Emmanuel and Teresa Bidzakin, will be paid $1150 each by the government. Edward requested an additional $700 each for them. We tabled this item pending above mentioned financial statements from BMC.
The cautery machine is broken, and Vince Waite can get a refurbished one for $2750. Cindy moved that we pay for this, Willie Ree seconded, and the motion passed. We also agreed to pay $3000 for plane tickets for 2 plumbers who are going over with Paul and Cindy.
The IMB wants to sell 2 vehicles, a truck and the Failes’ old van. Cindy will find out the cost, and we will probably need to get them. The van especially is needed for volunteers.
George will be going over in late October for 2 weeks and will check on everything for us. Cindy and Paul will be going November 29 – December 15, along with a retired surgeon from Texas and the 2 plumbers from Rome.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.