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June 22, 2010 Minutes

The Board of the Faile Foundation met on Tuesday, June 22, 2010 at the office of Lee Jennings. Present were Drs. Paul and Cindy Shumpert, Dr. Willie Ree Howell, Dr. George Faile, Elizabeth Faile, Dr. David Kerns, Laurie Douglas, Vicki Barnes, and Martha Cates. Paul, Cindy, and Vicki opened the meting with prayer. The minutes of the last meeting were approved. Since Lee was out of town, there was not an official treasurer's report. However, Paul reported that funds are gradually being transferred to Wells Fargo as planned. Wiring money is much easier now. The approximate total of funds is $365,000.

Staffing issues at BMC were discussed. The Hewitts have left on furlough and Joel Dickins will leave for good on July 5. Greg and Wendy Nyhus and their three children are there. Greg is the volunteer coordinator, planning to be there until December. This means that there will not be a permanent doctor there nor will there be a surgeon in the immediate future. There is a Ghanaian surgeon who wants to come, but the Ministry of Health has not approved it yet. There is also a surgeon who has been in training in Nigeria by the Pan-African College of Surgeons who is a possibility. There are some American doctors who are interested, but they still have several years of training left before they can go.

Richard Ambler is planning to go in September but since he is Family Practice, he will need a surgeon. Nate Cook is there short term at this time, but will not be available until next year. He is having difficulty getting his license in Ghana since he is a D.O. George said that there are two doctors that have been sponsored by the Hospital for seven years of training. They are supposed to practice at BMC and should be ready by next year.

There is a new administrator and a new chaplain. They seem to be very intent on maintaining the quality of the hospital. The administrator sent George a 2-year plan and a 5-year plan. He remembers as a child hearing about how good the hospital was. George also talked to Steven Yiddi, the head of nursing, and was very encouraged by their conversation.

It was decided that the Foundation will go ahead with paying for the new transfer switch when everything is in place and ready. Cindy will be going to Ghana on July 1, and will work on finding out more about the status of the surgeons and the specific needs of the hospital. At this point the hospital must try to get the doctors and must be responsible for the operating expenses. The Foundation can help with the specific needs such as equipment or salary supplements.

The next meeting of the Board is tentatively set for August 16.

Respectfully submitted,


Martha Cates

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