September 22, 2008 Minutes
Meeting opened with prayer
Minutes approval for May 19 meeting deferred
Treasurer’s report given by Willie Ree Howell. Balance of 267,688.05 present with $68,872.05 in checking, $51,581.24 in money market and $147,234.76 in Merrill Lynch account. $27,726.01 in donations received. $19,000 was wired to BMC for Ayisha Baba’s medical school tuition ($14,000)—future BMC doctor and part of expense for a new truck ($5,000). $2000 was spent on student tuition, $350 on website and newsletter expense, and $252.68 on tax form preparation.
Dr. Kearns to discuss funds transfer to BMC mechanism with Citizen’s First Bank
$3000 donation given for William Haun’s trip to BMC to cover the 50th anniversary
$2000 gift given designated for student trips
Find out about Michael Evangelisti-multiple donations given honoring him
Need to join CMDA—Paul & Cindy Shumpert to investigate
Next meeting 12/1/08 @ 6:30 PM