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May 19, 2008 Minutes

Members Present:


  • Paul Shumpert, M.D.

  • Cindy Shumpert, M.D.

  • Willie Ree Howell, M. D.

  • Gus Lovegren, M. D.

  • David Kearns, M.D.

  • Martha Cates


The meeting was opened with prayer by Willie Ree Howell. The minutes of the last meeting were not ready yet.

Willie Ree gave the Treasurer’s Report. The total in the account is $307,364.09. However, $22,000 was transferred to BMC on May 9 for tiles and flooring. This is to be deducted from the reported total. She also pointed out that people whom we have helped to go to volunteer at BMC often send back to the Foundation funds left over from their own fundraising. She read several notes that have accompanied the checks.


An e-mail from Earl Hewitt was read, outlining several ways to donate to BMC.


Paul asked for any corrections on the newsletter that will be printed soon. He announced that William Haun and his wife will be moving to Macon, Georgia, soon and would like to attend a board meeting. His wife volunteered at BMC as a medical student. William went with her, and has used his photography to help with the BMC website. He also donates a portion of his sale of prints from Nalerigu to the Foundation.


Jarratt Bryan has updated the Faile Foundation website with completed projects and a new mission statement.

The board discussed long term plans for BMC, including staffing and volunteers. David Kearns mentioned again the Evangelical Council of Financial Accountability. The board supports this idea and will ask Lee Jennings to look into it.


The next meeting of the Board will be on September 22, 2008.

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