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January 7, 2008 Minutes

Members Present:


  • Willie Ree Howell, M. D.

  • Cindy Shumpert, M.D.

  • Gus Lovegren, M. D.

  • Lee Jennings, C.P.A.

  • David Kearns, M.D.

  • Martha Cates

  • Laurie Douglas


Willie Ree gave the Treasurer’s Report: Balance in the checking account of $55,862.32, in the Money Market Account $51,334.12, and at Merrill Lynch Account $192,231.99, for a total of $299,428.43. The preliminary annual report includes the total of $160,361 in donations (including $3,820 in memory of Kay Faile) and expenses of $109,264.84. The expenses include the $45,000 transfer to Bob Claytor, $9,000 for student volunteers, $2,823 for the new microscope, and $51,140 for the generator.


Laurie reviewed minutes from the last meeting. Cindy reported that she and a third-year surgery resident Christy Lawson are leaving on February 27 for BMC, and Paul Shumpert will leave on January 20. Going with Paul will be Wes Turner, an electrical engineer, who will assess the problems/needs with the lighting. Brad Prater plans to go later to work on the lighting.


Cindy reported on investigations into the free wheelchairs and Project Care. More information is needed on the wheelchairs and on the costs of transporting them from California and overseas. Project Care wants to send a representative to BMC to assess needs before they will ship anything. Cindy reminded us that the Clinic can encounter legal difficulties in Ghana if any medicine is out of date.


David mentioned the possibility of the Foundation joining the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability. It lists on its Web Site organizations that it considers reputable. The cost of being included has decreased, and David recommends considering it.

There is a current need at the hospital for a Hematocrit centrifuge, the kind that is no longer available in this country. There is also still a big need for more help from physicians with surgery.


Cindy and Paul are trying to contact IMA, Interchurch Medical Assistance, for help with medicine.


The next meeting will be on March 31, at 6:30 p.m., at the office of Lee Jennings.

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