May 14, 2007 Minutes
Members Present:
Willie Ree Howell, M. D.
Paul Shumpert, M.D.
Gus Lovegren, M. D.
Lee Jennings, C.P.A.
David Kearns, M.D.
Martha Cates
Laurie Douglas
The meeting was called to order by the president. The minutes for the last meeting were approved as corrected.
Laurie Douglas reported the names of recent donors and stated that the donors were sent thank you notes.
The treasures report was given by Dr. Howell who reported that there are presently $301,818.28 total in various George Faile accounts.
In 2001, the Faile Foundation has supported 5 residents at the BMC for $1000 each.
Joel and Holly Dickens have donated $45,000 toward a new generator. Joel Dickens is an OB-GYN that is interested in pursuing full time missions at the BMC.
A total of $50,000 has been allocated for a new generator. This will cover the purchase and equipment. Jimmy Huey has a located a generator in Ghana.
Tollie Bibb, an electrician, is going in July to help follow-up on renovation work.
Cindy Shumpert, M.D. and Sam Gillis, M.D. are currently at the BMC having a great experience. A new microscope has arrived in Nalerigu via Cindy Shumpert.
Paul and Cindy Shumpert presented a program on BMC at Garden Lakes Baptist Church.
Paul Shumpert attended the INMED conference May 11-12, 2007. There is an interest in starting a HIV clinic in Nalerigu.
Martha Cates is continuing to gather information for a packet about the Faile Foundation and the Baptist Medical Centre.
Board Members need to continue to send photos and biographies to Jarratt.
The next meeting is scheduled for Monday, August 13, 2007, 6:30 PM, at the office of Lee Jennings.