March 19, 2007 Minutes
Members Present:
Willie Ree Howell, M. D.
Cindy Shumpert, M.D.
Gus Lovegren, M. D.
Lee Jennings, C.P.A.
Vicki Barnes
David Kearns, M.D.
Martha Cates
Laurie Douglas
The meeting was called to order by the president. The minutes for the last meeting were approved as corrected.
Laurie Douglas reported the names of recent donors and stated that the donors were sent thank you notes.
The treasurer's report was give by Dr. Howell who reported that there are presently $224,338.34 total in the various George Faile accounts. Grand total spent to date on renovation of The Baptist Medical Centre, Nalerigu is $119,308.43.
Vicki Barnes reported that a container shipment with surgical equipment, and anesthesia machine, generator parts, agricultural equipment and sheets arrived in Nalerigu March 18, 2007. The container has been unloaded fully.
Andy Csordas is working on a generator from the Caterpillar Foundation.
Cindy Shumpert reported that a she and Sam Gillis will go to BMC for the month of May.
Furman University Magazines and Shorter College Magazines that highlighted the Baptist Medical Centre in their Winter 2007 issues were highlighted and shared.
Paul and Cindy Shumpert will present a program on the BMC at Garden Lakes Baptist Church on Sunday March 25 at 6PM.
Martha Cates is in the process of gathering an information packet about the Faile Foundation and the Baptist Medical Centre.
Dr. Kearns is investigating a microscope that a Rotary Club in S.C. wants to donate.
Paul Shumpert will be speaking at the INMED conference May 11-12, 2007, Kansas City, Mo.
Bob Claytor is currently at the BMC where a new ceiling is being installed.
INMED needs to be added to the Faile Foundation mailing list.
In 2007, the Faile Foundation has supported 3 residents to go to the BMC at $1000.00 each.
Laurie Douglas will ask Freeman Brook for a Mercer Medical School supply the name of a contact that would be interested in hearing more about the BMC and opportunities for resident medical students there.
Board Members need to continue to send photos and biographies to Jarratt.
The International Mission Board – Global Missions Conference will be held July 19-22, 2007 in Rockport, Va.
Our prayers are with the two men from Cartersville who died on the recent Honduras mission trip: Rick Mason and Perry Goad.
Laurie Douglas will ask Carmen Butcher to help us rework our mission statement.
The next meeting is scheduled for Monday, May 14, 2007 at the office of Lee Jennings. We hope that George Faile and Bob Claytor will be available to join us.