January 29, 2007 Minutes
Members Present:
Willie Ree Howell, M. D.
Paul Shumpert, M.D.
Cindy Shumpert, M.D.
Gus Lovegren, M. D.
Lee Jennings, C.P.A.
Vicki Barnes
David Kearns, M.D.
Martha Cates
Jarratt Bryan
Laurie Douglas
The meeting was called to order by the president. The minutes for the last meeting were approved.
Laurie Douglas reported the names of recent donors and stated that the donors were sent thank you notes.
The treasures report was give by Dr. Howell who reported that there are presently $254,000 total in the various George Faile accounts. There was a recent $56,000 donation sent to BMC in Nalerigu. In 2006, $9800 was spent by the foundation on medical students. Dr. Howell also reported that in 2006 there was $116,000 in income.
$47,600 was spent in 2006 on rewiring and painting of the hospital. It is projected that $70,000 will be needed on total rewiring and painting, flooring, ceiling, and new cabinets in the hospital and rewiring and misc. work on the mission houses.
Vicki Barnes reported that a container shipment with surgical equipment, and anesthesia machine, generator parts, agricultural equipment and sheets were sent to Nalerigu. There was a $5000 donation that covered the shipping cost. Donnie Locke donated parts to rebuild the generator. Tommy Harrison is in the process of looking for a new generator which could cost approximately $60,000.
Dr. Paul Shumpert reported that a surgeon will go to BMC for the month of May. He also reported that Bob Claytor is working on flooring, ceilings, and lights. Mr. Claytor estimates than an additional $40,000 will be needed to finish the work.
Dr. Paul Shumpert also reported that BMC experienced a $50,000 shortfall in the year 2006. Dr. Shumpert noted that elective surgery was down in 2006 and this may be one reason for the shortfall. Dr. Shumpert will attempt to get an update on the administrative situation from Dr. Faile.
Dr. Paul asked that students who had spent time in Nalerigu provide personal stories of their experiences. Dr. Paul Shumpert suggested that these may be useful for the newsletter and /or web site.
Dr. Paul also reported that the web site will have new biographies and pictures of board members. Continuing on the web site topic, Dr. Paul Shumpert suggested that we remove language about the possibility of the International Mission Board withdrawing their support from BMC. The board concurred with this suggestion. It is also suggested that the mission statement be reviewed and revised.
Mr. Lee Jennings showed a notebook which contained an organizational outline. Mr. Jennings suggested that a similar notebook may be worth developing for the George Faile Foundation.
Dr. Cindy Shumpert reported that there is a possibility of building a hostel for mothers of hospitalized children. This facility is envisioned to be off the hospital campus.
The next meeting is scheduled for Monday, March 19, 2007 at the office of Lee Jennings.