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May 1, 2006 Minutes

Members Present:


  • Paul Shumpert, M.D.

  • Willie Ree Howell, M.D.

  • David Kearnes, M.D.

  • August Lovegren, M.D.

  • R. Lee Jennings, C.P.A

  • Laurie B. Douglas


Dr. Lovegren opened the meeting with a prayer. Laurie Douglas gave follow-up regarding the possibility of an article in the Furman University Magazine and the Georgia Health Foundation application.


Dr. Howell reported that Vickie Barnes has accepted an invitation to be a Board member. Mrs. Barnes also reported that there is a need for sheets for the hospital. Procurement of sheets, possibility from Angelica, will be investigated by Dr. Howell.

Dr. Howell reported a $10,000 donation from Mr. & Mrs. Barnes, possibly to be matched.


Dr. Shumpert reported that Mrs. Barnes has suggested a fund raiser in Cartersville. Dr. Kearns suggested that the GFF offer to cover costs of such a fund raiser. Dr. Shumpert will inquire as to whether costs of the January fund raiser in Rome have been paid by GFF, and if not, to whom the costs should be reimbursed. Dr. Howell inquired about setting up a method to permit automatic deductions from a bank account. Dr. Howell will follow up with Citizens First regarding a separate bank account for the GFF and the ability to have automatic deductions.


Bob Claytor communicated that the renovation project in Nalerigu is moving forward. A paint crew has committed to help. Flooring will cost approximately $6,000. Wesley Turner has plans to do the wiring and the Church at Northside will send a wiring team. So far the GFF has spent $8,100, mostly for travel costs and plans.


The GFF presently has $280,000 available. Dr. Shumpert asked the Board to consider how much the GFF is willing to spend on the renovation project. The Board agreed to commit approximately $100,000 toward the project.


Dr. Shumpert asked how much the Board would make available to support medical students working at Nalerigu through NMED. The Board agreed the GFF would match up to $1,000 for each of a maximum of 10 medical students per year, provided that they stay at least one month. Dr. Howell will contact Mr. Anderson, a travel agent, regarding ticket purchases for the medical students.


Dr. Shumpert asked for suggestions for an upcoming newsletter. Dr. Shumpert then reported that Rome GI is helping to defray costs of repair of an endoscope.


Mr. Jennings reported that a community foundation in Michigan has plans to donate to GFF if GFF will adopt a set of policies which give assurance that no moneys are used to support terrorists groups. The proper forms were then signed by appropriate Board members and will be forwarded to the Michigan foundation.


Dr. Kearns will look into possible GFF membership in The Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability (ECFA).


Dr. Shumpert reported that Jimmy and Laurie Douglas and sons Samuel, James and William are going to Nalerigu in June 2006. During their stay Dr. Douglas will work in the hospital.


The next meeting was set for June 12 at 6:30pm at Mr. Jennings office.

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