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November 28, 2005 Minutes

Members Present:


  • Paul Shumpert, M.D.

  • Cynthia Shumpert, M.D.

  • Willie Ree Howell, M.D.

  • David Kearnes, M.D.

  • R. Lee Jennings, C.P.A

  • Laurie B. Douglas


Visitors Present:


  • Bob Claytor


The meeting was called to order by the President. The minutes for the last meeting were corrected and approved.


Bob Claytor, Project Coordinator for Renovation at the BMC, with Carpenters for Christ was our visitor. He reported on his recent visit to the BMC. Calling it “one of the best kept secrets.” While saying that, Mr. Claytor feels that the facilities are in ill repair with the electrical problems being severe.


Mr. Claytor provided the Foundation with a written report on the BMC in Ghana. He also showed footage of video that he took while on his August 2005 visit to BMC. He had a total of 4 contact days at BMC and took video, digital pictures, and conducted interviews with the medical centre staff.


The priorities of the renovation project include:


  1. repairing the electrical system

  2. providing an adequate incinerator

  3. complete renovation for every building at the BMC complex


Mr. Claytor plans to return to the BMC in early March with a goal of renovating two wards in March and the remaining three wards this summer. The board suggested renovations of the missionary housing. Mr. Claytor gave a ballpark estimate for these renovations as being: $150,000. It is the goal of the board to raise $75,000 in new funds that will be matched with $75,000 of existing Foundation money to come to the total needed.


It was reported to the Board that Dr. Jerry Rankin visited the BMC in August and was very impressed by the scope and ministry of the BMC. The IMB plans to continue funding the BMC at the current level of monetary commitment.


Treasure’s Report: Balance as of October 31, 2005: is $215,990.70. A Disbursement of Donation was provided from Mrs. Patricia Friesen accounting for $20,000 that was sent by the George Faile Foundation in spring 2005.


After scheduling the next meeting for Monday, February 20, 2006 at 6:30 PM at the office of Lee Jennings, the meeting was adjourned.

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