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September 25, 2005 Minutes

Members Present:


  • Paul Shumpert, M.D.

  • Cynthia Shumpert, M.D.

  • August Lovegren, M.D.

  • David Kearnes, M.D.

  • R. Lee Jennings, C.P.A

  • Laurie B. Douglas


Visitors Present:


  • Patrick Kearnes


The meeting was called to order by the President. The minutes for the last meeting were approved.


$25,000.00 was received by the BMC. So far these resources have not had to be used.


Paul Shumpert will contact John and Terry Mayes to see if either one wants to go to Ghana in Mid January – Mid February 2006.


Bob Claytor with Carpenters for Christ did do a survey of work to be done at BMC. Hopefully, workers will go to do work within 6 months.


It doesn’t seem as if Dr. Pradham will be able to work at BMC.


Cindy and Paul Shumpert have talked to In Med about rotating medical students through as medical assistants.

Lee Jennings will continue to try to get on the schedule for the Rotary Club about a presentation.


Laurie Douglas will continue to schedule dates for the Medical Auxiliary and Society to present programs about BMC.

Paul will continue to work on the Finishers Project registration process.


Doug Parkin is currently at BMC for 2 months. Doug is a pediatrician. He has requested to be included on the George Faile Foundation, Inc. Board. His request was approved.


Jarratt will try to update the website.


We will try to send a newsletter out in early November.


The new pediatric ward is up and running and being used.


After scheduling the next meeting for Monday, November 28, 2005 at 6:30 PM at the office of Lee Jennings, the meeting was adjourned.

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