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May 16, 2005 Minutes

Members Present:


  • Paul Shumpert, M.D.

  • Cynthia Shumpert, M.D.

  • August Lovegren, M.D.

  • David Kearnes, M.D.

  • R. Lee Jennings, C.P.A


The meeting was called to order by the President.


Minutes for the last meeting were approved as read.


Treasurer report was deferred as treasurer was absent.


Old Business:


Expenses for Bob Claytor, Carpenters for Christ, approved – he will send receipts for all expenses. It was requested that he give us 2 levels of estimates on work needed, so that board members can determine which amount the GFF can afford.


Expenses for the BMC this coming year: it is estimated that $20,000-$50,000 needed; $20,000-$25,000 needed now. Board approved sending $25,000 now. Request will be made to send itemization of how money is being spent.


Paul and Jarrett are working on updating the website, putting links to related websites in place; a newsletter is almost completed. This will be sent out to all persons on GFF mailing list. Request made to David Kearns to send his bio information to Jarrett for the website.


A rough draft of the agreement between BMC and Dr. Pradham was shown to the Board members. Dr. Kearns was asked to contact

Dr. Pradham’s daughter regarding facilitating his plane ticket purchase, etc.


Lee Jennings is working on setting up a meeting with city officials about the foundation.


New Business:


David Kearns got an email from Finishers Project Headquarters, a clearinghouse for volunteer physicians; this costs $150 for 90 days. The Board approved to sign up for 90 days.


We need to notify Dr. John Wikman in Arkansas that the Arkansas Foundation donors need to be aware of the urgent BMC need for operating expenses.


The Board voted to include Dr. John Wikman on the GFF Board.


Dr. Bob Cates is interested in volunteering to go to BMC next year. Paul Shumpert will coordinate this with him.


The next GFF meeting is scheduled for July 18, 2005 @6:30 PM at the office of Lee Jennings.

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